Hello there! My name is Yerkanat. I'm a guy, who studies software development and web programming :)

About me

Hello everyone, I'm Yerkanat Sheriyazdanov, you can also call me by nickname "Legion". My general interest in computers appeared in 2010. Speaking of interest specifically in programming, it appeared when I was studying in the school, in the 10th form (in 2017).

After realizing that I'm not fit for physical work due to illness, I decided that the work of a programmer will be suitable for me.

Speaking of my favorite activities in my free time, they are: programming, chatting and hanging out with my friends, talking about football, playing computer games, occasionally reading books, and exploring informative articles on the Internet...

At the moment I'm focused on the following technologies:

  • Git
  • C/C++, C#, Java
  • PHP, SQL
  • 1C: Enterprise

Tools that I'm mostly using in my projects:

If you want to contact me, here are my main social links: Back to the top